Most of girls here at London escorts are pretty good at getting money out of their men. However, there are times when you have to use your female savvy to extract that little extra bit. Very few people have joint bank accounts these days, and it would be fair to say that it might be easier to get money out of your man if you had a joint bank account. But, London escorts do not let that stop them. They are indeed a bit savvy when it comes to getting money out of their men folk.
I never trick him, says Sara from a London escort agency, but I do things like put on a bid of a sad face, and look at my nails. That is my way of telling him that I might be in the need of a manicure. Of course, sometimes my request falls on deaf ears but most of the time it seems to work. I do earn enough money to have my own nails done, but I like the fact that he treats me to something. Most chaps do actually like to treat their girlfriends once in a while.
Louisa who has been working as a London escort for about six months, uses another tactic. I like to walk around the shops with my boyfriend and when we get to the perfume counter I spring into action. I love perfumes, and my boyfriend loves to buy me body lotions. When we get to the perfume counter in Debenhams, I start trying the new scents and say things like ” I wonder if they do a body lotion in that one”. Most of the time I leave the store with a new scent which I might use where when I work for London escorts.
My weakness is clothes and my boyfriend loves clothes as well, says Clematis who has been working as a London escort for 18 months. When we shop for clothes, I stir around a lot and pretend that I cannot make my mind up. In the end, my boyfriend normally gives up and buys me something just to get me out of the store. “Look, he says” I treat you to those”. It is all about being savvy and I must admit I have learned to be more savvy since I joined London escorts. It is just one of the tricks of the trade.
Of course, you don’t need to ask your partner for money directly. Like the girls at London escorts have pointed out, there are many ways of getting money out of your boyfriend. Flapping your eye lids and giving him a nice smile can work wonders, and he may even feel obliged to treat you to something. Asking for money directly with men seldom works, and perhaps, lots of ladies have something to learn from our very experienced London escorts. It is all about being a bit savvy and using your feminine charms to get what you want